Chapter 2237: Armored Crocodile Dragon
都為她讓路。這份靜謐與美麗成為了永恒的紀念,在她的畫作中,也留在了她心中。從此以後,艾米麗亞的畫風發生了變化。她的作品中充滿了對自然界的深情厚意,每一幅畫都講述著一段故事,傳達著一種情感。而她也成為了人們心中的“海之女”,因為她的畫作,讓人們更加深刻地感受到了自然的美與寧靜。這個夜晚,成為了她藝術生涯中的一個重要裡程碑。艾米麗亞站在沙灘之上,回首那幅畫作,她知道,這不僅是她的創作,也是對她靈魂深處...Chapter 2237: Armored Crocodile
Rumble! A low roar sounded, and Shen Xiang and company saw the swamp suddenly bubble up with many bubbles as many tiny armored crocodiles emerged from under the mud.
"These are all crocodiles!
Shen Xiang saw their small armored body covered in very stiff black scales, and clawed like dragon claws. They had dragon horns on their heads too. There were thousands of these small armored crocodiles in the mud below.
"They're attacking!
Vivian yelled:ure all poisons at once.""Who the hell are you!" The elder of the He family couldn't help but become alarmed. Clearly, this person was no ordinary person. Why would someone with such abilities混進來 This...